Squatty Planter in Elements

Designer: Marcia Roullard



  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
  2. Thin FN-009 Black with water 4-1, pour to the inside, roll to coat, pour out the excess, drain.
  3. Use a stiff toothbrush to spatter UG-50 Jet Black to the top of the planter.
  4. Brush three coats of EL-140 Toasted Almond to the outside of the planter, stagger the last coat, 2 inches from the bottom. Brush a fourth coat just at the top, before it starts to curve.
  5. Spatter the UG-50 Jet Black, again over the glaze.
  6. Fire to cone 06.



  • CD-1493 Squatty Pocket Planter


  • EL-140 Toasted Almond
  • FN-009 Black
  • UG-50 Jet Black

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Stiff Toothbrush