1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
2. Using the Soft Fan with EL-145 Ginger Root, apply one coat to the bottom of the vase.
3. Using the Soft Fan with EL-147 Creek Bed, apply one coat to the top of the vase. Slightly overlap the bottom layer.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3. Allow glaze to dry completely.
5. Place the pattern in the center of the bottom portion of the vase. Outline with the pencil.
6. Squeeze a small amount of SG-402 White, SG-403 Red, SG-404 Blue and SG-407 Yellow onto the plate. Using the Detail Liner, apply one coat of each color to their corresponding sections of the rooster.
7. Use SG-401 Black to outline the rooster.
8. Fire to cone 06.
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