- CD-777 Oval Slump and Hump Mold
- Low-fire clay
- SC-6 Sunkissed
- SC-5 Tiger Tail
- SC-15 Tuxedo
- SC-24 Dandelion
- SC-42 Butter Me Up
- SC-51 Poo Bear
- SC-55 Yella Bout It
- SC-97 Cant- elope
- SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
- S-2726 Cheetah
Decorating Accessories
- BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
- MT-007 Divots Mat
- MT-009 Scallops Mat
- ST-129 Mini Fern Stamp
- ST-126 Dots and Squiggles Stamp
- ST-113 Circulate Stamp
- ST-116 Floral Flourish Stamp
Miscellaneous Accessories
- Circle templates: ½” through 2″
- Needle tool
- ¼” wooden dowels (2)
- Sandbag
- Rolling pin
- Copper wire