Handbuilt Acrylic Acorn Box

Designer: Bailie Benson



  1. Split your ball of clay into thirds.
  2. Build two pinch pots from two of the sections, one slightly larger/longer than the other.
  3. Scratch vertical lines into the larger of the pots.
  4. Scrape off small sections all over the outside of the second pinch pot with a fingernail or loop tool to create an acorn cap texture.
  5. Roll a small slab from the third section and cut a leaf shape from the slab.
  6. Roll two small, fat coils from the remains of the slab.
  7. Scratch and attach the two fat coils together to form a “T” shape. This is the stem handle.
  8. Roll a longer, thinner coil and attach to the inside lip of the acorn cap. This will keep the lid from sliding off the box. 
  9. Scratch and attach the leaf shape to the cap of the acorn.
  10. Carve vein lines in the leaf with the toothpick.
  11. Allow to completely dry and bisque fire to cone 04.
  12. Wipe bisque with a damp sponge to remove any dust.
  13. Apply two coats of OS571 Curry to the lower portion of the acorn box.
  14. Using a dry brush technique, apply a couple layers of OS493 Sandalwood to the outside of the lower portion of the acorn box.  
  15. Apply two coats of OS531 Rosy Tan to the top of the box, avoiding the leaf and stem. 
  16. Using a dry brush technique, apply a couple layers of OS489 Saddle Brown to the cap.  
  17. Apply two layers of OS489 Saddle Brown to the stem. 
  18. Apply two layers of OS463 Medium Green to the whole leaf.
  19. Using the detail brush, fill in the veins with OS466 Avocado. 
  20. Using a dry brush technique, fan tOS466 Avocado out from the leaf veins.  
  21. Seal with a clear coat if desired.
  22. Do not fire. 



  • 1-2 lbs of low-fire clay


  • OS489 Saddle Brown
  • OS531 Rosy Tan
  • OS463 Medium Green
  • OS466 Avocado
  • OS571 Curry
  • OS493 Sandalwood

Decorating Accessories

  • AB710 Flat Shader brush
  • AB701 Detail brush
  • DB805 Fan brush

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Toothpick
  • Water
  • Carving tools
  • Paint pallet