1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
2. Thin SC-12 Moody Blue on a plate, then use a stiff toothbrush to spatter the splash bowl with the thinned color. Spatter heavily on the splash tips and the outside of the bowl.
3. Using a palette knife, mix SC-15 Tuxedo with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium to the consistency of peanut butter. Use the clownfish from DSS-0102 Sea Life with the shiny side down. Rub the thickened Tuxedo over the fish screen. Repeat two more times in a circular direction inside of the bowl. Gently clean the screen.
4. On the orange areas of the fish, use the Script Liner and Liner to apply two coats of SC-75 Orange-A-Peel. Apply one coat of SC-15 Tuxedo to the black fins adn outline the fish and sections of the fish.
5. Dip into NT-CLR or use the Soft Fan to apply two coats of S-2101 Clear.
6. Fire to cone 06.
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