Firecracker Stoneware Plate

Designer: Tim McPherson



  1. Using the Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of White to the face area on the plate.
  2. Trace the pattern using the Clay Carbon paper.
  3. Using the Round, apply 3 coats of Red to the rocket.
  4. Using the Liner, apply 3 coats of Yellow to the stars.
  5. Using the Liner, apply 2 coats of Red to some of the streamers.
  6. Using the Liner, apply 2 coats of Blue to some of the streamers.
  7. Using the Liner, add a highlight ow White to the rocket.
  8. Using a brush handle, add dots of both Red and Blue to the area around the streamers.
  9. Apply 3 Coats of Blue to the rim and back of the plate using the Soft Fan, excluding the foot area.
  10. Thin the Black Designer Liner to a brushing constancy, and outline the stars and rocket.
  11. Place on a well kiln washed shelf and fire to shelf cone 5/6.



  • SW104 Rimmed Plate


  • SW-501 White
  • SW-502 Yellow
  • SW-505 Blue
  • SW-504 Red
  • SG-401 Designer Liner Black

Decorating Accessories

  • CB 202 #2 Detail Liner
  • CB-404 #4 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper

Miscellaneous Accessories
