Cobblestone Sunflower with Elements

Designer: Elizabeth Carey


  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the Soft Fan with FN-009 Black, apply 3 coats to the front and sides of the canvas. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  3. When glaze is dry to the touch, place the pattern on the canvas. Trace over the pattern with the pencil. Check to make sure you are using the correct amount of pressure. If you press too light, you will not see your lines. If you press too heavy, you will expose the underlying bisque.
  4. Using the Detail Liner with AC-302 Wax Resist, outline the pattern on the canvas. Outline the border between the front and sides of the canvas.
  5. Using the Script Liner with SG-202 White Cobblestone, apply 3 coats to each section of the pattern (not the background). Allow glaze to lose its shine before applying the 2nd and 3rd coats. Wait for the 3rd coat to lose its shine before moving on to Step #6.
  6. Using the Script Liner with EL-121 Copper Adventurine, EL-128 Wheat, EL-143 Cactus Flower and EL-150 Fern, apply 1 coat to each section of the pattern (not the background). Refer to the pattern for color placement.
  7. Using the Script Liner with EL-150 Fern, apply 2 coats to the background. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Apply a 3rd coat to the center of the background (around ¼” inward from the border of the background). Try not to apply even coats. Uneven coats will create more color variation.
  8. Stilt and fire to cone 06.



  • MB-1353 8×10” Clay Canvas


  • EL-121 Copper Adventurine
  • EL-128 Wheat
  • EL-143 Cactus Flower
  • EL-150 Fern
  • FN-009 Black
  • SG-202 White Cobblestone

Decorating Accessories

  • AC-302 Wax Resist
  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • RB-110 10/0 Detail Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories
