Bright Large Mushroom Lantern

Designer: Bob Moreni



  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. 
  2. Place the following colors on the palette:  SC073 Candy Apple Red; SC081 Cinnamon Stix: SC097 Cant-elope. 
  3. Using a CB604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of SC073 Candy Apple Red to the bottom half of the mushroom top, followed by 3 coats of SC097 Cant-elope tot the top half of the mushroom.  Use a CB404 #4 Pointed Round to apply the color to the inside of the cut-out areas. 
  4. Center the Mushroom on the banding wheel. 
  5. Using a CB604 #4 Soft Fan, pick up some water on the brush then SC073 Candy Apple Red to half of the brush. Start spinning the banding wheel then apply the brush to the area where the two colors meet and blend the Candy Apple Red into the Cant-elope.  The water will help blending the colors.  After the Candy Apple has dried some repeat this step with the Cant-elope coming down from the top to the middle blending it into the Candy Apple Red.  This will create an hombre look. 
  6. Using a CB604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of SC097 Cant-elope to the underside of the mushroom. Allow to dry. 
  7. Place the mushroom into a container that will hold it stable then center on the banding wheel. 
  8. Spinning the banding wheel, blend some Candy Apple Red to both the edge of the top and the edge near the stem. 
  9. Place the mushroom back right side up.  
  10. Blend some SC081 Cinnamon Stix from the bottom edge of the top going up into the Candy Apple Red.  Allow to dry. 
  11. Place out some of the following colors: SC009 Jaded; SC027 Sour Apple; SC045 My Blue Heaven; SC078 Lime Light. 
  12. Using a CB604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of SC045 My Blue Heave to the top section of the mushroom stem and 3 coats of SC078 Lime Light to the lower half of the mushroom stem.  Allow to dry. 
  13. Center the Mushroom on the banding wheel. 
  14. Using a CB604 #4 Soft Fan, pick up some water on the brush then SC078 Lime Light to half of the brush. Start spinning the banding wheel then apply the brush to the area where the two colors meet and blend the Sour Apple into the SC045 My Blue Heaven.  The water will help blending the colors.  After the Lime Light has dried some repeat this step with the My Blue Heaven coming down from the top to the middle blending it into the Sour Apple.  This will create an hombre look. 
  15. Blend some SC027 Sour Apple from the bottom edge of the stem going up into the Lime Light but not all the way.  Allow to dry. 
  16. Blend some SC009 Jade from the top edge of the stem going down into the My Blue Heaven, not all the way.  Allow to dry. 
  17. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06. 




  • MB1644 Large Mushroom Lantern 


  • C009 Jaded
  • SC027 Sour Apple
  • SC045 My Blue Heaven
  • SC073 Candy Apple Red
  • SC078 Lime Light
  • SC081 Cinnamon Stix
  • SC097 Cant-elope

Decorating Accessories

  • CB404 #4 Pointed Round 
  • CB604 #4 Soft Fan 

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • BT910 Synthetic Sponge 
  • Water Bowl 
  • Palette to place colors on 
  • Banding Wheel 