Snow Gems Under Foundations Vases

Designer: Ericka Corrigan



SG303 Citrus Snow Gem Vase: 

  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. 
  2. Apply SG101 Rapid Roll White to the inside of the vase. Quickly roll for one coat coverage, then tip the vase upside down and allow the glaze to drain until it’s no longer dripping.  
  3. On the outside and bottom of the vase apply 2 to 3 coats of SG303. Apply with a RB144 soft fan.  
  4. Once dry apply FN016, FN044, and FN052 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner. 
  5.  Repeat the same application with FN021, FN037, and FN043 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner.  
  6. Let dry and fire to cone 06.  

SG304 Berry Snow Gem Vase: 

  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. 
  2. Apply SG101 Rapid Roll White to the inside of the vase. Quickly roll for one coat coverage, then tip the vase upside down and allow the glaze to drain until it’s no longer dripping.  
  3. On the outside and bottom of the vase apply 2 to 3 coats of SG304. Apply with a RB144 soft fan.  
  4. Once dry apply FN004, FN035, and FN051 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner. 
  5. Repeat the same application with FN012, FN017, and FN036 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner.  
  6. Let dry and fire to cone 06.  

SG305 Spearmint Snow Gem Vase: 

  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. 
  2. Apply SG101 Rapid Roll White to the inside of the vase. Quickly roll for one coat coverage, then tip the vase upside down and allow the glaze to drain until it’s no longer dripping.  
  3. On the outside and bottom of the vase apply 2 to 3 coats of SG305. Apply with a RB144 soft fan.  
  4. Once dry apply FN007, FN010, and FN053 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner. 
  5. Repeat the same application with FN019, FN034, and FN041 in small squares or triangles, going from bottom to top in a curved line in the fount of your vase. Apply with a CB202 Detail Liner.  
  6. Let dry and fire to cone 06.  

Additional Tips

  • Foundations will pull away from each other while being fired.  



  • MB 885 Great Shape Vases 


  • SG303 Citrus Snow Gem
  • FN016 Harvest Orange
  • FN021 Olive Green
  • FN037 Chartreuse
  • FN043 Bright Jade
  • FN044 Yellow Orange
  • FN052 Tangerine
  • SG101 Rapid Roll White
  • SG304 Berry Snow Gem
  • FN004 Red
  • FN012 Lavender
  • FN017 Purple
  • FN035 Deep Red
  • FN036 Grape
  • FN051 Strawberry
  • SG305 Spearmint Snow Gem
  • FN007 Green
  • FN010 Tree Green
  • FN019 Dark Blue
  • FN034 Big Sky Blue
  • FN041 Medium Blue
  • FN053 Mint

Decorating Accessories

  • RB144 Soft Fan 
  • CB202 Detail Liner  

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water