Opal Lustre Engobe Savvy Planter

Designer: Elizabeth Downing



  1. Wipe dust from bisque with a damp sponge.
  2. Using a #4 soft fan brush (RB144) apply 2 coats of EG002 Speckled Buff Engobe to the bottom 2/3 of the planter.
  3. Let dry completely.
  4. When engobe is dry, using a #4 soft fan brush (RB144) apply 3 coats of SW219 Opal Lustre to top ½ of the planter, overlapping the Black Engobe.
  5. Apply 2 coats of SW219 Opal Lustre to the inside and outside of the draining tray.
  6. Fire to cone 6.



  • Bisque Imports S2501 Stoneware Savvy Planter


  • EG002 Speckled Buff Engobe
  • SW219 Opal Lustre

Decorating Accessories

  • RB144 #4 Soft Fan Brush

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water