Engobe Resist Bouquet Vase

Designer: Elizabeth Downing



  1. Wipe dust from bisque with a damp sponge.
  2. With a pencil, lightly divide the vase into 4 equal parts horizontally.
  3. Using a #8 soft fan brush (RB-140) apply 2 coats of the following engobes, top to bottom:
    • EG002 Speckled Buff Engobe
    • EG003 Brick Red Engobe
    • EG004 Dark Brown Engobe
    • EG005 Black Engobe
    1. Let dry completely.
    2. Apply vinyl resist or lightly hand draw a pencil leaf pattern on top of engobes.
    3. If using a vinyl resist, apply 3 coats of SW176 Macadamia over entire vase. Remove resist before the glaze dries completely prior to firing. Do not fire with vinyl resist left on mug.
    4. If hand drawing a pattern, apply (AC302) wax over the area where the Macadamia will not be, using a brush dedicated solely to wax application.
    5. Fire to cone 6




  • Bisque Imports S2502 Stoneware Bouquet Vase


  • EG002 Speckled Buff Engobe
  • EG003 Brick Red Engobe
  • EG004 Dark Brown Engobe
  • EG005 Black Engobe
  • SW176 Macadamia

Decorating Accessories

  • AC302 Wax Resist
  • RB140 #8 Soft Fan Brush

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Pencil