Snowman’s Joy

Designer: William Pulse



  1. Wipe down the bisque with a moistened synthetic sponge to remove and dust and debris. Check the inside of the ware also.
  2. Using CB-604 Soft Fan apply 3 coats of FN-01 White to the middle section of the can. Let dry.
  3. Cut out the snowman from the pattern. Do not cut out arm portions of the design. Just the basic shape of the snowman and hat.
  4. Apply water to the back of the cut-out portion of the pattern and place it onto the can. Position the pattern to where the snowman aligns with the bottom edge of the can.
  5. Place some of each of the Speckled Stroke & Coats onto a tile. Using a damp synthetic sponge, load the edge of the sponge then pounce on 1 coat of SC-253 Speckled Purple Haze about half way up from the bottom of the can. 
  6. Pick up some SP-211 Speckled Blue Yonder and about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the can pounce on the color blending over the previous color. 
  7. Pick up some SP-212 Speckled Moody Blue and start from the top of the can pouncing downward about 1/3 of the way blending the color out over the lighter blue. The colors should appear darkest near the top of the can fading to the lighter blue towards the middle and then to the purple at the bottom. You can overlap the edge of the paper stencil slightly but not completely cover it. Repeat this process 2 more times for solid coverage.  Once the last coat of color has been applied to the background and the glaze it has lost its shine, remove the snowman stencil.  Let dry.
  8. Retrace the pattern onto the snowman including the branch arms.
  9. Shade the inner edges of the snowman with SC-45 My Blue Heaven and SC-85 Orkid using CB-406 Pointed Round loaded with water and tipped with color. Use SC-45 My Blue Heaven to shade the cheeks and highlight top edge with SC-11 Blue Yonder. Shade above the eyes with SC-85 Orkid. Outline the Snowman’s edges and paint in the iris of the eye with SC-30 Blue Dawn using CB-110 Liner.
  10. Block in the hat area with 2 thinned coats of SC-81 Cinnamon Stix using CB-310 Flat Shader. If needed, draw in the stitching before painting to get the pattern correct. Detail the stitching in the hat with 2 coats of SC-73 Candy Apple Red using CB-110 Liner. For the pompom, apply 3 coats of SC-73 Candy Apple Red and pull off some fine lines to create a fuzzy texture along the outer edge using CB-110 Liner.
  11. Block in 1-2 coats of SC-27 Sour Apple to the scarf using CB-310 Flat Shader. Shade the edges and knot of the scarf with SC-39 Army Surplus. Detail the scarf with SC-73 Candy Apple Red and SC-39 Army Surplus using CB-110 Liner.
  12. Block in the branch arms with 2-3 coats of SC-48 Brown Cow using CB-406 Pointed Round and CB-110 Liner. Detail the graining of the branch with thinned SC-34 Down To Earth and SC-15 Tuxedo using CB-110 Liner.
  13. Block in the ear muffs with 1-2 coats of SC-99 Char-ming using CB-406 Pointed Round. Paint in the eyebrows using CB-110 Liner. Stipple in the shading of the ear muffs with SC-15 Tuxedo using CB-310 Flat Shader. You want to make them look fuzzy by stippling in the color over the edges a wee bit.
  14. Fill in the carrot nose with 2 coats of SC-97 Cant-elope using CB-110 Liner. Shade the bottom edge with thinned SC-25 Crackerjack Brown. Detail the lower edge with thinned SC-25. To the top edge shade with a thin mixture of SC-97 tinted with SC-73 Candy Apple Red to make a red orange.
  15. Paint in the detail of the eyes and mouth with SC-15 Tuxedo using CB-110 Liner. Scratch in a highlight to the pupil using a clean up tool. 
  16. To paint in the trees load CB-406 Pointed Round with SC-26 Green Thumb. Start at the top of the tree and stroke downward with the color, start adding the branches but keep them pointing slightly upward. As you paint in the lower branches start to keep them more horizontal but with a slight upward tilt. You can pick up some SC-36 Irish Luck and stroke over the already painted green color to add depth and variation to the trees. The trees are somewhat abstract and not very detailed with the green color.
  17. Using FD-258 White French Dimensions to add in the snow on the pattern. Keep the snow light on the detail for the snowman using small connected dots of color over using a solid line of color. Heavier detailing can be done on the trees. Easier to add more color if needed than to get too much too soon. The snow will be more individual dots of color towards the top of the trees and as you move down on the lower branches the color is more vertical to indicate the layers on the branches. Let Dry.
  18. Apply 1-2 coats of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing over the middle section of the can using CB-604 Soft Fan.
  19. To the inside and bottom of the can apply 3-4 coats of FN-019 Dark Blue using CB-604 Soft Fan and CB-406 Pointed Round along the edges where it meets the middle portion of the can.
  20. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 05-06.
  21. Use grapevine wire to create the handle. It is made up of 3 pieces of wire where it twists and wraps around one another to create more of a grapevine texture. Use the floral wire to attach the Christmas tree buttons to simulate a string of lights.



  • CD1404 Gallon Paint Can


  • FN-01 White
  • FN-019 Dark Blue
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing
  • SC-11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
  • SC-26 Green Thumb
  • SC-27 Sour Apple
  • SC-30 Blue Dawn
  • SC-34 Down To Earth
  • SC-36 Irish Luck
  • SC-39 Army Surplus
  • SC-45 My Blue Heaven
  • SC-48 Brown Cow
  • SC-73 Candy Apply Red
  • SC-81 Cinnamon Stix
  • SC-85 Orkid
  • SC-97 Cant-elope
  • SC-99 Char-ming
  • SP-211 Speckled Blue Yonder
  • SP-212 Speckled Moody Blue
  • SP-253 Speckled Purple Haze
  • FD-258 White French Dimensions

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-110 Liner
  • CB-310 Flat Shader
  • CB-406 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Clean Up Tool
  • Tile or Pallet
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
  • Grapevine wire
  • 25 mil Florist Wire
  • Christmas Tree Light buttons
  • Wire Cutters/Pliers
  • Pattern