Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
From the pattern, cut out enough paper stars to go around the base (right below the rim).
Apply 2 coats of FN-001 White to the top of the hat using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan.
Right below the rim of the hat, apply the stars to the FN-001 White before it is completely dry. If you find it will not stick dip your brush into water and rewet the white.
Once the FN-001 White is completely dry, apply the MC-002 12mm (1/2″) Low Tack Masking Tape in a vertical stripe pattern to the top portion of the hat. Be sure to create a separation between section using the tape. Refer to the image for reference.
Apply 3 coats of the FN-006 Blue to the lower part of the hat using the CB-604 Soft Fan brush.
Apply 3 coats of FN-004 Red over the striped section using the CB-604 Soft Fan brush.
Once the designed part is almost dry, remove the tape.
Apply 3 coats of FN-004 Red to the rest of the bisque form including the inside of the top hat.