Jolly Snowflake Tree

Designer: Marcia Roullard



  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.  Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush, apply three coats of SC-77 Glo-worm to the entire tree.
  3. Punch out various sizes of snowflakes.  Wet the area of Glo-worm before placing on the paper snowflake, press gently with a paper towel to make the paper stick to the glaze.  A light coat of Glo-worm over the paper also helps prevent color bleed.  The snowflake is acting as masking, so the edges need to be sealed so the top color does not leak underneath.
  4. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply two coats of SC-39 Army Surplus over the snowflake area of the tree, leave the areas under the branches Glo-worm.
  5. Remove the paper snowflakes.  Using a needle tool and tweezers is helpful.
  6. Using the CB-106 Script Liner, apply two heavy coats of SG-302 Snowfall on the tips of the branches.
  7. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06/05.



  • MB-1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Bisque or CD1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Mold


  • SC-39 Army Surplus
  • SC-77 Glo-Worm
  • SG-302 Snowfall

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-106 Script Liner
  • CB-408 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Various sizes of snowflake punches (found at most craft stores)