Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
Cut out the pattern, position on the tile, trace loosely around the designs.
Brush the crow with two coats of SC-15 Tuxedo, the beak with 2 coats of SC-5 Tiger Tail. Leaves and stem with 2-3 Coats of SC-73 Candy Apple Red, and SC-75 Orange-a-Peel, blend one color into the other. Use CB-106 Script Liner. Brush slightly past the pencil line.
Place the crow first, brush water over the crow, lay on the paper crow to the painted one, press with a paper towel, remove gaps.
Repeat for the leaves and stem.
Remove excess glaze from outside of the paper, scrape excess, then gently sponge off the remaining glaze.
Brush the tile, with two coats of EL-118 Blue Grotto, use CB-604 Soft Fan. Let dry.
Brush the tile with one coat of SC-11 Blue Yonder, over the entire tile, with CB-604 Soft Fan, brush on a second coat of SC-11 Blue Yonder, add SC-16 Cotton Tail to the edges of the tile, this will lighten the blue.
Pull off the paper.
If white bisque shows, repair with glaze.
Dot the eye with SC-16 Cotton Tail with the end of a small brush. Dot the center of the white with SC-15 Tuxedo.