Clean and fire greenware to 04.
Astrid Gnome:
- With CB-310 Shader brush on slightly thinned SS-135 White to the apron, nose with SS-127 Medium Portrait, brush SS-331 Medium Blue to the dress, brush the hair with slightly thinned SS-3 Honey Toast, hat with SS-210 Orange.
- Thin SS-331 Blue like water, use CB-406 Pointed Round to brush into the folds of the apron and shade the sides of the apron. Dry brush the dress with SS-331 Medium Blue with SS-135 White in the brush. Shade with SS-335 Rich Blue in the creases and shadow areas, such as where the sleeve meets the apron and hair, under the apron, under the nose, etc. buttons are SS-210 Orange.
- Dry brush the hat with SS-210 Orange with SS-135 White in your brush to lighten and highlight, shade with SS-92 Royal Fuchsia, in the creases, seam and under the hat. Brush the gloves with Royal Fuchsia, dry brush with White in the Fuchsia brush.
- Dry brush the hair with SS-3 Honey Toast with SS-111 Bright Yellow in the brush, add White to the brush to highlight. Hair ties are Royal Fuchsia.
- Brush a coat of SS-57 Accent Green to the shoes, dry brush with SS-19 Country Sage.
- Thicken SS-138 Black with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium using a palette knife to the consistency of a thick paste. With the shiny side down, rub the thick Black over the ladybug screen from DSS-0113 Bugs to the hat. Brush in SS-176 Christmas Red around the black spots on the ladybug.
- Outline with CB-110 Liner and SS-138 Black around the hair, the hat, and the dress. Brush a coat of AC-501 Gloss Sealer over the ladybug and the shoes.
Sven Gnome
- Brush the beard with thinned SS-135 White, nose with SS-127 Medium Portrait, hat with SS-331 Medium Blue, jacket with SS-376 Limeburst, pants with SS-212 Light Umber, gloves with SS-210 Orange, use a soft brush to apply.
- Thin SS-331 Medium Blue like water with the CB-406 Pointed Round brush into the deep creases of the beard, further shade the beard with thinned SS-130 Medium Gray, and SS-138 Black, dry brush with SS-135 White.
- Dry brush the jacket with SS-376 Limeburst with SS-111 Brightest Yellow in the brush, add White to further highlight.
- Dry brush the hat with SS-331 Medium Blue with white in the brush, highlight with more white in the brush on the edges of the hat. Shade with SS-335 Rich Blue in the crease and hat seam with the round brush or flat shader.
- Shade the gloves and nose with SS-212 Light Umber, shade the pants with SS-138 Black, use the flat or pointed round brush.
- Dry brush the shoes with SS-335 Rich Blue. Follow the directions in step 7 above for the ladybug.
- Use CB-110 Liner to outline around the nose, gloves, beard, and hat with SS-135 Black.