Tall and Short Tapestry Vase

Designer: William Pulse



  1. Use a moistened Synthetic Sponge to wipe down the bisque ware to remove any dust. Check the inside for any debris as well.
  2. In a Plastic Cup thin FN-043 Bright Jade with some water to a melted ice cream consistency. Pour the thinned glaze into the vase. While working quickly, rotate the vase to coat the inside of the vase with glaze. Pour out the excess glaze and invert to drain and dry. Wipe off any drips from the outside with a moistened sponge.
  3. Apply 3 even coats of FN-01 White to the entire outside surface using CB-604 Soft Fan or CB-608 Soft Fan. Let dry.
  4. Transfer the patterns of diamond shapes using a pencil and AC-230 Clay Carbon. Note the layers in each diamond.
  5. Starting with the largest diamond, place the colors listed in the pattern onto a tile and thin with some water to a milk consistency. SC-5, SC-7, SC-9, SC-24, SC-28, SC-75, SC-80, SC-88.
  6. The painting of the diamond starts in the center. The colors are painted in a water color wash effect for the most part in vertical short strokes.The color(s) can overlap and have multiple layers to each section. Blending of the colors while they are wet will create shades and nuances to each section. Thinning of the colors at times can create lighter shades and hues. Try to keep the color applied in a vertical axis to the ware.
  7. Apply some SC-9 Jaded to the center using CB-406 Pointed Round.  The center is the darkest and fades out with the next two colors. As the color moves outward pick up some SC-28 Blue Isle. The next section is SC-7 Leapin’ Lizard. The next sections is SC-80 Basketball primarily with some hints of SC-75 Orange-A-Peel and SC-88 TuTu Tango.The next section is SC-24 Dandelion with thinned SC-5 Tiger Tail. The last section is some SC-75 Orange-A-Peel and mostly SC-88 Tutu Tango blending and muddled together.The outer edge is SC-15 Tuxedo painted with CB-110 Liner keeping the strokes uneven and vertically aligned as in the pattern.  Since the black color has been thinned, more than one coat of color to this area may be necessary to achieve color saturation.
  8. Moving to the second largest diamond place out SC-5, SC-10, SC-13, SC-15, SC-28, SC-80, SC-88 on a Tile and thin with water to a milk consistency. The clover section of the inner diamond is SC-5 shaded with SC-88 towards the outer edges. The center is SC-80. The outer edges of the clover leaves are SC-13.  The next section is thinned SC-10 painted in multiple layers. The outer edges are SC-15 Tuxedo painted in multiple layers with vertical strokes using CB-110 Liner.
  9. For the smallest diamond place some SC-2, SC-5, SC-14, SC-15, SC-88 and thin with water to a milk consistency.The center starts with SC-5 and some SC-42 with a darker center of SC-14. The next section is SC-2 and with some SC-88 towards the corners of the diamond area.The outside edge is SC-15 Tuxedo painted in multiple layers with vertical strokes using CB-110 Liner.
  10. Place some EL-122 Malachite onto a tile and thin with some water to a milk consistency. Using CB-106 Script Liner loaded with water and tipped with the thinned EL-122 Malachite.  Place the brush tip next to the black outlines and trail the color out vertically around the pattern.  Multiple coats with create light and dark shades.  The color should trail off to points as if the color is running/bleeding.
  11. Stilt and Fire the ware to Shelf Cone 05-06.

Short Vase

  1. In a Plastic Cup thin FN-043 Bright Jade with some water to a melted ice cream consistency. Pour the thinned glaze into the vase.  While working quickly, rotate the vase to coat the inside of the vase with glaze. Pour out the excess glaze and invert to drain and dry. Wipe off any drips from the outside with a moistened sponge.
  2. Apply 3 even coats of FN-01 White to the entire outside surface using CB-604 Soft Fan or CB-608 Soft Fan. Let dry.
  3. Transfer the patterns of diamond shapes using a pencil and AC-230 Clay Carbon. Note the layers in each diamond.
  4. On a tile place the colors out and thin with water to a milk consistency SC-2, SC-3 SC-7, SC-10, SC-14, SC-15, SC-28, SC-88. Painting of the diamond shape starts with the center inside of the clover leaves using CB-406 Pointed Round. The painting is done in watercolor washes in a vertical stroke for the most part. Hues and shades of colors are in the application of multiple layers of thinned color(s) and blending of wet color in the pattern on the ware. The center between the 4 clover leaves is painted in with SC-7 and darkened with SC-14.The leaves of the clover are SC-2 with shading of SC-88 to the outer edges. The areas around the leaves are SC-10. The next area is SC-2 shaded with hints of SC-7 and SC-14. The corners of the diamond are SC-3 shaded with SC-13. The outer edge and center of the diamond is done with SC-15 Tuxedo using CB-110 Liner in short vertical stroke keeping the axis of the strokes vertical to the ware. Multiple layers of black are used to create light and dark areas to the areas.
  5. Thin some EL-122 Malachite on a Tile with water to a milk consistency.Load CB-106 Script Liner with water and tip with the thinned glaze.Shading the background is completed by placing the tip of the brush next to the black trim trailing the color out in vertical strokes.The color can have multiple thin coats to create layers of shading.  Trail the color out to points when painting these areas.
  6. Stilt and Fire the ware to Shelf Cone 05-06.



  • CD-1303 Tall Envelope Vase
  • CD-815 Short Envelope Vase


  • Tall Vase:
    • EL-122 Malachite
    • FN-01 White
    • FN-043 Bright Jade
    • SC-2 Melon-choly
    • SC-5 Tiger Tail
    • SC-7 Leapin Lizard
    • SC-9 Jaded
    • SC-10 Teal Next Time
    • SC-13 Grapel
    • SC-14 Java Bean
    • SC-15 Tuxedo
    • SC-24 Dandelion
    • SC-28 Blue Isle
    • SC-42 Butter Me Up
    • SC-75 Orange-A-Peel
    • SC-80 Basketball
    • SC-88 TuTu Tango
  • Short Vase
    • EL-122 Malachite
    • FN-01 White
    • FN-043 Bright Jade
    • SC-2 Melon-coloy
    • SC-3 Wine About It
    • SC-7 Leapin’ Lizard
    • SC-10 Teal Next Time
    • SC-14 Java Bean
    • SC-15 Tuxedo
    • SC-28 Blue Isle
    • SC-88 Tu Tu Tango

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-106 Script Liner
  • CB-110 Liner
  • CB-404 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan or CB-608 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • AC-230 Clay Carbon
  • Pencil
  • Tile or Pallet
  • Plastic Cup (4 oz.)
  • Synthetic Sponge
  • Patterns: Download