Poison Dart Frogs

Designer: Josh Clark



  1. Begin by casting CD-620 and CD-645 using SLS-01 – Stoneware White Casting Slip.
  2. Soft Bisque fire to shelf cone 04.
  3. Using a circle template, lightly pencil in a variety of circles on the surface of the frogs.
  4. Using a CB-106 Script-Liner fill in all the circles with 2-3 coats of SW-140 Matte Black.
  5. Once the SW-140 Matte Black is completely dry, using a CB-604 Soft Fan, brush on 2-3 coats of SW-163 Soft Red Matte of the top half of the frog (except the eyes) and SW-159 Blue Matte over the bottom half of the frog, and blending the two colors in the middle.
  6. Once all of the glazes have completely dried, then paint 1-2 coats of SW-118 Sea Salt over the entire surface with exception to the eyes.
  7. On the eyes use black designer liner to outline the eyes and create the pupil, and then paint 1-2 coats of SW-161 Yellow matte over the rest of the eye.
  8. Fire to cone 6.



  • CD620 Frog-Large Wall Climber
  • CD645 Frog Medium Wall Climber Mold or MB-645 Frog Medium Wall Climber Bisque
  • SLS-01 Stoneware White Casting Slip


  • SW-140 Black Matte
  • SW-159 Blue Matte
  • SW-161 Yellow Matte
  • SW-163 Soft Red Matte
  • SW-118 Sea Salt
  • SG-401 Black Designer Liner

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 Soft Fan
  • CB-106 Script Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Circle Template