Christmas Tree Dish Set

Designer: Marcia Roullard



  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
  2. Brush three coats of FN-218 Green Sapphire to the top and back of the tree plates.
  3. Use a damp sponge to remove the Green Sapphire from the edges of the plates.
  4. Place SG-302 Snowfall into the plastic bottle from AC-223 Writer Tip Kit, it is helpful to use a palette knife or a popsicle stick.
  5. Cut the applicator tip to enlarge the opening, squeeze the Snowfall on the bisque edges of the tree, let the Snowfall drip onto the sides.
  6. Fire to cone 06.



  • CD-991 Small Tree Plate
  • CD-990 Christmas Tree Plate


  • FN-218 Green Sapphire
  • SG-302 Snowfall

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 Soft Fan
  • AC-223 Large Writer Tip Kit